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What Is A Chamber Of Commerce?

A chamber of commerce is an organization of business owners and entrepreneurs who promote the interests of their local business community.

Why Does CARA Encourage Businesses To Join A Chamber?

A Chamber of Commerce is a powerful force that can help shape the future of business for the better. There are over 100 Chambers of Commerce in the State of Alabama. The Central Alabama Redevelopment Alliance (CARA) exists to strengthen the vital role local Chambers of Commerce play in economic and community development. CARA’s motivation is to grow membership and become a tool for the local chambers to utilize to provide resources to small businesses.

What Does Joining A Chamber Of Commerce Do For My Business?

Chambers of commerce provide access to valuable resources, discounts, and relationships that help businesses save money and market their products. Joining a chamber of commerce can boost sales and significantly improve a local business & visibility and credibility.

Explore more benefits. 

Benefits of Joining A Chamber Of Commerce

Increases Business Contacts 

When a business decides to join a local chamber, it automatically opens up itself — to a network of potential partnerships. Business contacts from a local chamber could become the supportive community it turns to one day for assistance or vice versa. In addition, these new business contacts may be the people who serve as the sounding board for new ideas, come up with solutions to internal business problems, and even partner on a new endeavor.


Increases Credibility 

Belonging to a chamber gives businesses a leg up compared to those who are not members. A company with this level of credibility becomes desirable to consumers, increasing the likeliness they’ll seek out their goods or services in the future. Compare belonging to a chamber as you would having a college degree when applying for a job; it tells your future employer — or consumer — you know what you are doing. While a business’s positive perception increases, so will profits as it establishes credibility and brand recognition within its respective industry. Membership dues could potentially pay for themselves thanks to the influx in the companies new consumer base. 

Network Expansion 

As the local chamber continues to grow, so will the business network. The chamber will hold networking opportunities — usually monthly — allowing the business owner to get to know community members, fellow business owners, and other professionals in its industry. While the events can range from formal to fun, each will the business owner/CEO to make new connections and foster additional exposure for his/her business. The business relationships and possible expansion through a local chamber network will often be unmatched. In addition to networking events, chambers often hold events, such as “lunch and learn,” where members can pick up new skills or techniques. These types of events can offer resources for advancement for all its employees. 


The local chamber can make a great marketing resource for the company via avenues like its newsletter, website, social media, and more exclusively to their members!

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